Farm Fit Mud Run at Thomas Family Farm 2013

Well, this is not exactly a hike, or does it really have anything to do with Foxy, but it was a day out in the wilderness. Perhaps not the lovely fresh air that one would usually hope for when exploring Washington, my family and I took part in the Farm Fit Mud Run at Thomas Family Farms in Snohomish. A newly formed course, Farm Fit was probably the hardest mud run I have done to date. Although I have partook in the Survivor, the Warrior Dash, and the Dirty Dash, these didn’t really compare to the struggle that I found during Farm Fit. I mean, fair enough, Farm Fit was a 10K while the previous mud runs were all 5Ks, but Farm Fit made you use your entire body and at some points you didn’t know if you would actually make it past an obstacle.

An over obsessive dog-love shot of Foxy and I
An over obsessive dog-love shot of Foxy and I

And even though Foxy didn’t get to partake in the event (could you imagine the clean-up if she did?!), she did come as a gracious spectator. Rooting us on from the sidelines with her rather annoying and persistent barking, she seemed more than happy to spend a day out in the sun with the potent “farm smell” around her. I wish that I could say this “farm smell” was only because of the surrounding area and not what was actually in the mud, but unfortunately I cannot say for sure. So, while the family and I thought we were rolling around in the lovely pure mud that you could find in your everyday spa, we could have easily been enjoying a manure pit. Of course now, the whole idea of going to Farm Fit sounds extremely unappealing.

But, possible manure pit aside, the 10K Farm Fit course was a great day out. Obstacles included mud pits (obviously), hay bales to jump, squat, or climb over, tunnels to crawl through, forests to tumble through, and large mounds of earth to climb over with the help of rope. Probably having about 4 or more obstacle per mile (6 miles total), you were pushed to your limit to overcome some of these momentous challenges. The one that I think we had the most difficult time as a family was the actual mud pits that sucked you in and tried to claim your shoe as their own. Not only did we do a lot of complaining but I believe my sister actually had to fish one of her shoes out from the murky depths of the pit.

The family and I do agree though that this was our favourite mud runs by far. Even though there were barley any people that attended (and when I say barley I mean our heat had 2 other people in it), I think that in future years this mud run will become more popular. So with tired limbs, I recommend this mud run to any person out there with a love to get dirty, take down some obstacles, and get a good run. You will get tons of support from the staff running the event as they cheer you on throughout the course and give you some motivational shouts. Gives you that little extra push to get your lazy self up the hill before the next person catches you.

Running with Foxy: Four on the Fourth

Another great Fourth of July has gone by, celebrated with fireworks and a bit of mayhem. Although Foxy has never been a fan of the “mayhem” bit (hiding from the fireworks in a closet or dark space), she did love the first part of the day. Because not only did we get to go out and adventure but we also partook in an all time first: the Four on the Fourth run. Sponsored by Acura of Bellevue in hopes of raising funds for the Seattle Humane Society, the run was jam-packed with dog lover’s. Of course this meant that Foxy and I were required to go, making sure that we were a part of this wonderful celebration with canine friends.

Foxy taking a quick cat-nap before the race
Foxy making sure she is rested before the big race

Getting up at 8am and heading over to Ashwood Park right next to the King County Public Library, Foxy and I were greeted with tons of venues. Of course, because this was a canine loving event, all the venues were based around, you guess it, dogs. From Pet Pro’s (our favourite store to buy food) all the way to a bouncy castle with a big Dalmatian face on it, this event was teaming with everything dog. I have to say that if you love dogs, this was the place to be on the morning of the 4th.

Foxy and I before taking off for the race
Foxy and I before taking off for the race

Overall though, we had an awesome time. Alongside my Mom and Dad (both coming to support, with my Dad running right beside us and my Mom taking photos), Foxy and I got to see dogs dressed up in costumes ranging from a batman cape on a Chow Chow to an all american top-hat placed on a Pug. Even though it was a bit chaotic, I couldn’t help but be happy around all those people crazy about their dogs. There is just something about animal lovers that gets you in a good mood and makes you realise just how happy you are to have your pup.

Finishing the race in under 30 minutes, Foxy did such a great job for her old age. Once in a rhythm  she powered on through to the finish just like I knew she could. Now not to say that we didn’t have to stop at probably 4 different rest areas for her to drink of large amounts of water, she still did amazing nevertheless. And with that final note, I would like to say Happy Fourth to everyone and I hope you guys had an awesome day. I also feel sympathy for everyone who did a bit too much on the “mayhem” part toward the end of the night, I have to admit that I was feeling rough this morning from the long night!

After the race and looking like a doll
After the race and looking like a doll

Ending note: please check out the Seattle Humane Society’s website. They are such a great community and I couldn’t stress enough that there are loving dogs in need of a home. Foxy came from the Seattle Humane Society into our family 12 years ago and I have cherished every moment since then.

Video: Hiking with Foxy at home with Bear, the cat

Hiking With Foxy – At home with Bear, the cat from Sammi McKee on Vimeo.

The weather as of late has not lived up to normal Washington summers, leaving Foxy and I to sit miserably inside trying to find things to do. Short walks in the morning have ended with both of us being drenched by the rain yet sweating with humidity – not the least bit fun. I guess in the end I should have expected that Washington wouldn’t be sun all day everyday, I was hoping to get past the rain filled clouds to adventure up some mountains every now and then. But, of course, this has yet to happen and so instead I have decided to make a little video of what Foxy and her cat friend (maybe a bit of leap to call them friends), Bear do inside all day. Basically in a nutshell, they just follow each other around and bug one another, eventually ending up in little hissy fights.

Music by Judah & The Lion, “Lift Up My Soul”